Tag: Uncle Tu Mee

Diary in the Abyss (36) By Uncle Tu-me

Diary in the Abyss (36) By Uncle Tu-me Sunset in Troubled Times Dear Diary, Yesterday, a glimmer of hope arrived in the form of my friend’s family, who managed to escape the horrors of war in Lashio. They safely reached…

Dairy in the darkness (14) by Uncle Tu Mee

21/10/22 Dairy in the darkness (14) by Uncle Tu Mee (MoeMaKa) Oct 24th 2022 In today’s neighborhood, rice, oil,  and eggs  are sold by the government’s  program. Rice is as poor as animal feed. There are many eggs that are…

Dairy in the darkness (12) by Uncle Tu Mee

14/10/22 Dairy in the darkness (12) by Uncle Tu Mee (MoeMaKa, Oct 14th, 2022) People are interested in the firing of regime army and PDF troops at kyaite Htee Yoe Pagoda. The government reported that three civilian women were killed…