MATHEMATICS 5 HOW DECEMBER BECAME THE TWELFTH MONTH OF THE SEASON By Dr. Khin Maung Win Based on The December Puzzle from Figures For Fun by Yakov Perelman , Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1970 , Moscow , and The December…
Records to keep for future reference
Interview with the family members of dead student by fellow students for their student union newsletter – (from “Sethmu Ahman” newsletters, issue (4), 17.9.1988)
A Secret Early Morning Funeral Without Ceremonies but Full of Grief and Grievances
March 14, 2011
We, the editor team of ‘Sethmu Ahman’ newsletter, were able to have an exclusive interview with a family member and close friends of Ko Phone Maw, a fifth year chemical engineering student. His life was takne in March students’ demonstration, which occurred in the compound of Rangoon Institute of Technology (RIT). The interviewees include Mar Mar Win, elder sister of Phone Maw, and Khin Maung Htun (BSc.History), Win Win Myint (BSc.Physics), and Min Htut, a third year zoology student, who all are friends of Phone Maw. The following are their original words and feelings.
Firstly, we inquired about his family’s private affairs. Mar Mar Win answered that his parents are U Aubar and Daw Amar (both deceased), and Phone Maw is the fourth son among the five of his siblings. She added that the eldest brother Kyaw Win, the other elder sister Mar Mar Ei, and herself opened a sale shop in Mingalar market to make a living for their family. The parents took care of Phone Maw and the youngest sister Ni Ni Aung, a 2nd year chemistry student in the then Rangoon University( Hlaing Campus).
About Phone Maw’s death, Mar Mar Win explained that her family did not learn of his death immediately on 13.3.88, the very day that tragedy happened. They only heard the news over the radio at 1:00 in the afternoon of 14.3.88, while they were in the market. His younger sister got the news from the university where she was studying.
Contributed by A Reader from Rangoon
March 1, 2011
The following information is about Shwechinthae Social Service Group, a charity organization opened at Shwechinthae monastery in Shwe Bo city in Sagaing division. After thoroughly reading the organization’s papers and records, asking patients and volunteers, I wrote this article mainly focusing on itself and its activities without mentioning the names of present activists of its.
The Beginning of the Beginning
Shwechinthae library was opened on 18.12.2000. Members of library who were graduates, but had no occupation, launched a free teaching program for 10th standard students who cannot afford schooling.
MoeMaKa reporter (006)
January 11, 2011
Photo – (Phatsayar journal- 4.1.2011)
At 4:30 am this morning, the writer and director Maung Wunna passed away of cancer at his home.
4 Main Religions in Burma with Numbers July 26th, 2009 According to Burmese local journal called “Open” from Rangoon, one article mentioned of numbers of worshipers of each religion and their numbers of temples and churches in 2007. (It did…