Original Burmese article had been published at
MoeMaKa Burmese Online Media
on April 25, 2009
Anti-sanction: What and Where
Maung Shwe
(25 April 2009)
With critics on the US’s sanctions on Burma, the momentum of anti-sanction campaigns is gradually increasing in the present days. At the beginning, the critics pointed out that the US sanctions will not be effective and even these will make counter productive to stated purposes. Based on the reasons, the US new government is requested to review its sanctions on Burma. In the later part, some critics live in-country and outside Burma, target and criticise NLD and its stand on supporting the US sanction on Burma. Resulting from changing target in critiques, some thoughts came in mind that why the sanctions are imposed and why NLD became a target of the critics instead of sanction implementers, the US, EU and Australia for example.