The Making of Abhaya: Burma’s Fearlessness by Khet Mar
Abhaya – Burma’s Fearlessness, by James MacKay, with a foreword by Aung San Suu Kyi.
Abhaya – Burma’s Fearlessness, by James MacKay, with a foreword by Aung San Suu Kyi.
Aw Pi Kyeh (APK) chose this pen name because it means ‘loudspeaker’ in Burmese. His cartoons dare to shout out loud about the military junta that rules Burma. In 2007 he was banned from publishing inside Burma after he supported monks in their peaceful protests during the Saffron Revolution. Following that, colleagues who even mentioned his name in an article were suppressed.
Burmese Hip-Hop singer Zayar Thaw. Photo: DVB