Category: Features

News Features on Burma & Burmese issues

The latest military situation in Rakhine and Kachin state

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – May 06 ScenesMoeMaKa, May 07, 2024 The latest military situation in Rakhine and Kachin state In Rakhine State, there is currently fierce fighting in Maungdaw Township, Buthidaung Township, Thandwe Township, and Ann Township. Recently, some military…

Will SSPP/SSA Wage War?

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – May 05 ScenesMoeMaKa, May 06, 2024 Will SSPP/SSA Wage War? Recently, during the 60th-anniversary celebration of the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), Vice Chairman Lt. Gen. Sao Khun Hseng remarked that an armed revolution…

The Ties Behind News Media

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – May 04 ScenesMoeMaKa, May 05, 2024 The Ties Behind News Media In connection with World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd, it’s important to ask whether all media outlets are impartial, accurate, and serving the public…