Category: Poems

Burmese Poems in English

LA–Strong–LA (poem by Aung Way)

LA–Strong–LA (Aung Way) LA–Strong– LA You are a phoenix. As a phoenix rising from the ashes, you are hope of life and of better things to come. LA– Strong– LA You are an African lily. After the wildfires, African lily(or…


LAND AGAINST THE TERRORISTS by Aung Way ———————————————— This is our land, Land of Aung San Suu Kyi, National leader. …. This is our land, Land of the “doves,” Not of the “hawks.” … This is our land, There is…

88 Poem by Junior Win

  Thou showeth ‘Unity is strength’,Thou art ‘the meant of sacrifice’,Oh! Thou art, the spirit of motherland!Everyone’s voice was lifted; demanding their freedom without fear,But all the prisoned birds could not find in freedom,Could not still wing wildly across the…

Unforgettables by Junior Win

    I wish let the rain should slash mercilessly, and…      Today is the Martyr’s day. I remember what my grandparents said about that day, And how they lamented for our fallen leaders and prayed; ‘Everywhere in the…

Ant Maung – Thakhin Ohn Myint Poem

Thakhin Ohn Myint Ant Maung September 19th, 2010   Thakhin Ohn Myint Abadoned medical student life To wriggle as a journalist Took part in student and youth conventions Unfurled the peacock banner JournalGyaw Hand in hand with U Chit Maung…

Tin Moe – The Shut Door (Translated by Win Pe)

The Shut Door

Tin Moe
Translated by Win Pe
Jaunary 15th, 2009


I wish to fly like a bird
to my lover. But this happens
to be the day when
the hunter is out shooting birds.

I wish to go like a flower
to my lover. But this happens
to be the day when
the sly drone is out spoiling flowers.

Aung Way – Oway Poem


OWay Poem

Aung Way

September 26th, 2008


Aung Way is a contemporary poet from Burma, now in exile after the Saffron revolution where he took part in to support the boycott of the monks. His poem – “3 F” was one of the famous poem urged the Burmese people to join the cause of the monks back in September 2007