Category: Current

Current Issues & News on Burma & Burmese people with the sub sections – News, Feature, Interview, Photo-News, Op-Ed and so on

NLD Party announced its extension of leadership with Phy Phyu Thin and some political prisoners

NLD Party announced its extension of leadership with Phy Phyu Thin and some political prisoners

MoeMaKa Reporter 002

March 4, 2010

Phyu Phyu Thin, NLD member and known social volunteer for HIV/AIDS patients was found as one of the 100 member list of Central Committee assigned today according to NLD statement.

Burmese Monastery in Fort Wayne, In. received tickets from the City


Burmese Monastery in Fort Wayne, In. received tickets from the City

MoeMaKa Reporter 003

February 25th, 2010

It was learnt on last Thursday that the city officials had issued ticket and took action on the addition construction of the Burmese monastery due to the lack of proper paper and permits. The monastery was known as “Zaytawun Monastery” to all the residing Burmese immigrants migrated from Thai-Burma borders as political refugees in the area of Fort Wayne.

Political hostages recently released by Burmese Military Regime in Rangoon

Hostages Released in Rangoon

Political hostages recently released by Burmese Military Regime in Rangoon

MoeMaKa Photo-Essay

19 September 2009

So many things including human being in Burma have been reaching in hands of the junta for long time. Many people taken part in movements for democracy and rights are accused by junta’s official and convicted of various reasons such as attempts to deteriorate state security, made confrontations to the junta’s ideology and criticising the junta’s actions as persecutions on its own people. In the present days, more than 2000 people are behind bars for various reasons mentioned above. 

Maung Shwe – Anti-sanction: What and Where

Original Burmese article had been published at

MoeMaKa Burmese Online Media

on April 25, 2009 

Anti-sanction: What and Where

Maung Shwe

(25 April 2009)

With critics on the US’s sanctions on Burma, the momentum of anti-sanction campaigns is gradually increasing in the present days. At the beginning, the critics pointed out that the US sanctions will not be effective and even these will make counter productive to stated purposes. Based on the reasons, the US new government is requested to review its sanctions on Burma. In the later part, some critics live in-country and outside Burma, target and criticise NLD and its stand on supporting the US sanction on Burma. Resulting from changing target in critiques, some thoughts came in mind that why the sanctions are imposed and why NLD became a target of the critics instead of sanction implementers, the US, EU and Australia for example.

SPDC praises cease-fire groups

SPDC praises cease-fire groups

MoeMaKa Reporter No. 001

13 September 2009

        The former leaders of Kachin and Mon cease-fire groups, and their decision to establish political parties and participate in 2010 election were praised by a political article in Burma’s state-run media. By pointing out two cease-fire groups, Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and military arm of New Mon State Party (NMSP), the article eulogizes that the groups have chosen the best, the most appropriate, and the safest approach. The article also makes a comment that other cease-fire groups will also discuss, negotiate and cooperate to do so like KIA and NMSP.

          Although the author makes hints to cease-fire groups in his article, there is still quiet among leaders of other cease-fire groups. Some leaders who have close communication to media said that cease-fire groups still do not fully agree to the junta’s proposals.

          Author of the article in state-run media is Kyaw Ye Min. As usual habit of the state-run media, there is no introductory about who author is, but aims and contents of the article could be recognized as junta’s opinions. The author said the planning to transform cease-fire groups into Border-Guard-Forces and keep under Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services is good to the groups. He also makes a comment that the state, the junta will take full responsibility and accountability to cease-fire groups’ own properties and personal security matters. At the present days, there are 17 major and 20 minor cease-fire groups in Burma.

Than Shwe’s grandson: State Gangster?

Than Shwe’s grandson: State Gangster?

MoeMaKa Reporter, Rangoon

8th September 2009

Mighty Po-La-Pyae alias Nay Shwe Thwe Aung

          A coffee shop located in Bahan Township in former capital of Burma, Rangoon was torn down by Burmese military Major who is taking responsibility for personal security of junta supremo’s grand-son and the Major was instructed to do the act by the grand-son ‘Po-La-Pyae’. The event was happened 3 weeks ago and the coffee shop was immediately closed down after the event. Now the coffee shop has been totally demolished in last week.


Burmese (Gay) Beauty Contest held in Rangoon

Burmese (Gay) Beauty Contest held in Rangoon

MoeMaKa Photo News

9th September 2009

            Gay beautician community in Burma organized first ever beauty contest with gorgeous name ‘Miss Red Ribbon Beauty Contest’ at Sedona Hotel  at the last week of previous month and contributed Kyat 10 million towards HIV victims collected from the contest.

Maung Shwe – 2010 Challenges and National League for Democracy

2010 Challenges and National League for Democracy

Maung Shwe

May 10, 2009

Day after Day, month after month, 2010 is coming closer to us and it is the year promised by the junta to carry out General Election in accord with 2008 National Constitution. The 2010 picture is coming clear and colourful with different critics. Some analysts made optimistic comments that the election will provide new political playground with feasible space for political parties. At the same time, some analysts said the upcoming political system after 2010 is just to legitimate militarism and the dictatorship in Burma. Based on the different opinions, a scenario with possible challenges brought by new political system is created to be food for thought for readers.

Maung Shwe – National League for Democracy and Possible Scenarios

National League for Democracy and Possible Scenarios 

Maung Shwe 

May 19, 2009


A political movement with certain momentum is seen in Burma after Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s trial. She was accused under State Protection Act, section 22/109 as she violated the terms of her house arrest after an American man swam to an entered her lakeside home on 14th of May. It is clearly shown that the dialogue and national reconciliation have been moved out from the junta’s mindset. It is also an answer to the people who are waiting for the junta’s response to NLD’s Shwe-Gon-Daing declaration. Now this is time to think about how NLD continues on his pathway shown in the declaration.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Supporters expressed their solidarity near Insein Prison at court hearing


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Supporters expressed their solidarity near Insein Prison at court hearing

July 27th, 2009

Today court hearing inside Insein Prison for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in front of the prison gate, Burmese people in couple of hundreds in number showed up to express their support for their opposition leader under the heavy presence of armed security forces and threatening groups of thugs backed by the Junta. ( Photo – AP)

Child Aid Foundation for Nargis Orphans announced the list reached to 575 children

Child Aid Foundation for Nargis Orphans announced the list reached to 575 children July 24th, 2009             Child Aid Foundation runs voluntarily by Burmese monks from Metta Nanda Vihara from Fremont, Calif. USA and Burmese Buddhist followers to support orphans…