The coffee shop, named ‘Seven Corners’ established only few months and provided Wi-Fi facility to its customers, is located on the land of Ministry of Culture, in front of Chin-Chaung Palace, Ga-ba-aye Road in Bahan Township. An ex-officer said that the grand-son instructed to let know a message during the attack that ‘Do the State Secretary’s sons and daughters have idea to operate business on State-owned area?’
A few days before the event, Po-La-Pyae came and visited the coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee priced at 5000 Kyats. The waiters and staff explained that coffee with the highest price in their menu is about 3000 Kyats and accommodated the grand-son with the coffee. Po-La-Pyae gave 5000 Kyats and left the shop. Some commended that the grand-son gave the instruction to demolish the shop after the visit.
The ‘Seven Corners’ coffee shop is operated by five share holders including sons of General Thi-ha Thu-ya Tin Aung Myint Oo, SPDC Sectetary-1 and U Soe Tha, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development.
According to unapproved news, the case was ignited after disapproval of the General Thi-ha Thu-ya Tin Aung Myint Oo to application of import permission from a company which is much closed to the junta supremo’s grand-son.
The story above makes memories back to a few years when grand-son of former dictator General Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win, and his gang members committed series of organized crimes at night clubs in Rangoon. A reporter from Rangoon said that it is like the junta supremo’s grand-son Po-La-Pyae is taking position of Kyaw Ne Win.
People in business sector notice that a lot of businesses in Rangoon are owned by the junta supremo’s sons and daughters and immediate descendants of generals, the junta’s second level leaders, are also running businesses in various sectors.
An ex-custom officer who wants to be anonymous said that ‘J Donuts’ coffee shop is owned by U Tun Naing Shwe, step-son of the junta supremo Senior General Than Shwe, and major share holder of City-mart Group, the most successful one in supermarket sector, is also the supremo’s sons and daughters.
The ext officer also said that while other business persons were facing a lot of difficulties to import luxury things, foods and drinks, City-mart imported those things named military and nobody of customs and intelligent officers were able to make inspection.