Category: Current

Current Issues & News on Burma & Burmese people with the sub sections – News, Feature, Interview, Photo-News, Op-Ed and so on

Daw May Win Myint from NLD party returns

Daw May Win Myint from NLD party returns MoeMaKa Photo News March 12, 2009 (Photo – Daw May Win Myint, December 2008, file photo)           Daw May Win Myint who had been detained for several years in Insein Prison was…

U Win Tin marked his 79th Birthday first time outside Prison

U Win Tin marked his 79th Birthday first time outside Prison

MoeMaKa Reporter (Rangoon)

March 12, 2009

Hanthawaddy U Win Tin, one of the opposition leader and high ranking official of NLD party, marked his 79th birthday first time outside of the prison after release from 19 years jail terms.

            It was hosted by his close former newspaper colleges and friends at one small restaurant in KyiMyinDine Township, Rangoon. 30 of his close friends attended his private birthday party as a reunion with old friends.

            He did not make any birthday speech at the event and he told them that all the things he wanted to talk were said through radio program outside of Burma. It was seen as reunion party with old friends chatting of good old days and memories. The event started around 4:30 pm and ended at 7:30 pm while military intelligence persons were heavily present and closely monitoring the occasion, some witnesses told MoeMaKa.

USDA, Burmese Regime’s instrument charming public

USDA, Burmese Regime’s instrument charming public Win Myat March 10, 2009 Union Solidarity & Development Association (USDA), an instrument organization backed by Burmese regime, was found recently charming Burmese public with charity work such as organizing after school study group…

NLD reopened its party’s office in KunChanKone township

NLD reopened its party’s office in KunChanKone township

MoeMaKa Reporter (Rangoon)

March 9th, 2009

          While opposition media were reporting that NLD party was being cut off communication channel and abused by Burmese regime supported thugs, they however managed to reopen party office on 8th March 2009 in KonChanKone Township battered badly by Cyclone Nargis back in May 2008. In the reported photos, among the party township organizers, some prominent leaders from the Rangoon’s headquarter such as U Win Tin, Dr Win Naing, U Ba Swe and Dr Myo Aung were present.

9th Anniversary of Passing of Zaw (Pyinmanar), a Burmese poet

9th Anniversary of Passing of Zaw (Pyinmanar), a Burmese poet MoeMaKa Reporter (Rangoon) March 4, 2009             On last March 1st of 2009, at “Aung Metta” hall of “Thudhammayon” monastery, in Shwedagon Pagoda compound, remaining family members, fellow poets and…

“Tabayarlay” Burmese Literary Award hosted at family’s home

“Tabayarlay” Burmese Literary Award hosted at family’s home MoeMaKa Reporter (Rangoon) March 3, 2009 To uphold the legacy of “Tawbayarlay”, a late Burmese nationalist and last of Burmese royal blood line, the family members were awarding “Tawbalarlay” Burmese literary award…

Burmese celebrated Annual Htamanai Traditional Festival at Shwedagon Pagoda

Burmese celebrated Annual Htamanai Traditional Festival at Shwedagon Pagoda

MoeMaKa Photo News

February 9, 2009

          As this day as full moon day of Burmese month, Tabodwe and Burmese at Shwedagon Pagoda celebrated Burmese Harvest Festival with making a special Burmese traditional treat call “Htamanai”, combination of glutinous rice, coconut, sesame seeds and peanuts cooked over heated iron pan. Photos were taken from the event.

MoeMaKa Win – Burmese Journals and Academy Awards made in Korea


Burmese Journals and Academy Awards made in Korea
MoeMaKa Win
Ferbruary 7, 2009

I was glancing at the situation of Burmese journal market here in our country. There were a lot of journals in number but most popular were journals on sports and football. The selling price were around 500 but some sold at 600 Kyats. One journal called “Weeklyeleven” was sold at Kyat 600 before the other price hike. Still some of the journals were selling at 400 Kyats too. Journals were used to focus on scoops and latest news but most of the news was outdated and world news. Now a day, news on actors and actress from Korea seemed a most popular issue in the market.

Burmese Regime collecting list of political prisoners from outside source

Burmese Regime collecting list of political prisoners from outside source MoeMaka Reporter (Rangoon) February 6, 2009           The Burmese Junta who sent political prisoners to various remote prisons was itself collecting the list of prisoners from other source, it was…

D Aung Khin – Refugees Made in Burma

Refugees Made in Burma
D Aung Khin
February 6, 2009
“All the villagers are deserting their villages!!!” According to the news headline, the readers might be puzzled, “It can’t be true. How can it be?”
Yes, it was true. There were several numbers of villages being deserted and increasing.
While city dwellers from Rangoon or Mandalay were busy attending certificate courses, catching buses and train, consulting with the astrologers and psychics for their better future, the villagers from remote areas were also struggling and hard-working on their own.

Golden September Music Group in Burma launched a new song under ground

 Golden September Music Group in Burma launched a new song under ground

February 5, 2009

A Burmese music group formed secretly in Burma back in 2007 Burmese Saffron Revolution with Burmese artists and singers released again a new song for 2009 called “Unity and Peace”.  They had posted their song through CD, USB Drive and email attachment. MoeMaKa had presented the copy form here.