Category: Current

Current Issues & News on Burma & Burmese people with the sub sections – News, Feature, Interview, Photo-News, Op-Ed and so on

Burmese in Colorado to celebrate Burmese New Year Water Festival in Denver



Burmese in Colorado to celebrate Burmese New Year Water Festival in Denver

Ko Oo

April 11, 2009

It was learnt that this year would be 7th annual event for Burmese living in Colorado to celebrate Burmese “Thingyan”, traditional New year – water festival. For this year 2009, they had included some special features on top of water throwing event such that there would be Burmese cultural show and dance, singing contest and traditional Burmese food fair.

Burmese Internet Slower than ever

Burmese Internet Slower than ever

MoeMaka Reporter (Rangoon)

April 11, 2009

Burmese internet service which was not really fast in the first place would be slower than ever until this coming Friday notified by the authority, sources told MoeMaKa.

Since March 21st, Burmese teleport had been running maintenance works on under-ground fiber optic cable call SEA-ME-WE 3 near Phyar Pon town in Irrawaddy region. Due to the work, the internet speed was slowed down significantly in Burma and according to their first notice; the operation would be back to normal in 25th March. However, more notices were issued later and the last notice said it would be fine not later than April 17th.

Parameter of Road Block Extended near Aung San Suu Kyi’s home

Parameter of Road Block Extended near Aung San Suu Kyi’s home

Tin Kyaw Kyaw Soe (Freedom News Group), Rangoon

April 8, 2009

Witness told that road blocks around the home of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi where she was held house arrest were seen extended to wider parameters just before the Thagyan celebration. At the west side, the road block was moved to Thanlwin intersection and at the east, at Kabaraye Pagodaw Road junction.

“It was blocked in front of the monastery near her house but later this afternoon, the moved the road block near to “Lolane” madat, a water festival performance stage” told one Burmese young man who was one of the builders of stage near “Inyar Lake”  on University Avenue where Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s home located.

One Year Anniversary of Passing of Ludu Daw AMar hold with family members and friends

One Year Anniversary of Passing of Ludu Daw AMar hold with family members and friends Nyunt Thet Htar Oo (Freedom News Group), Mandalay April 7, 2009 One year anniversary of passing of Ludu Daw Amar, one great Burmese literary icon,…

Gold Plating Process of Shwedagon Pagoda to speed up before monsoon


Gold Plating Process of Shwedagon Pagoda to speed up before monsoon

MoeMaKa Photo News

April 9, 2009

Shwedagon Pagoda, one of the historic place for Burmese Buddhist in Rangoon was in the process on gold platting around its structure as its annual maintenance and traditional charity work and it was learnt that the schedule would be speeding up to finish before monsoon come in the month of May.

Political Prisoners in Myitkyina Prison blocked from visit with family members

Political Prisoners in Myitkyina Prison blocked from visit with family members MoeMaKa Reporter 003 April 6th 2009 Burmese political prisoners in Myitkyina prison located in remote town at far north of Burma who used to have 2 times a moth…

NLD Party host forum with title; “Youth & Newspaper” at Rangoon headquarter

NLD Party host forum with title; “Youth & Newspaper” at Rangoon headquarter

MoeMaKa Photo News

March 18, 2009


          On yesterday, 17th March 2009, NLD party at its head quarter in Rangoon, hosted a youth educational forum on the topic called “Youth and Newspaper” discussing of current situation of newspaper role with the young generation. It was led by U Ohn Kyine, a former political prisoner, a member of Parliament elected from 1990 Election and some NLD party youth members were seen participating in Q & A session.

No Political Prisoners left behind “Forgotten”, an interview with U Win Tin

No Political Prisoners left behind “Forgotten”, an interview with U Win Tin


March 15, 2009



(An interview took place on 14th March 2009)

After spending 19 years in prison as political prisoners, U Win Tin, a opposition leader of Burma, was released 6 months ago and today was his 79th birthday ever marked outside prison. From here we would like to present some of his conversation and his wishes.

“I am happy to reunite with my friends and colleagues today. Why I am happy … because when I was back in prison, now I am out for six months … well, when I was in prison, I never felt as a forgotten prisoner because these friends had always sent moral supports and encouragement to me in prison. So I never felt that I was forgotten. It is very important.

Multi-Party Democracy General Election Committee seems not ready

Regime’s Multi-Party Democracy General Election Committee seems not ready, photo shows MoeMaKa Photo News March 15, 2009            While some entities and various groups were showing interest, preparing steps and planning arrangements to participate in Burmese military’s 2nd Multi-Party Election…

Burmese “Thangyat” – produced by Burmese activists

Burmese “Thangyat” – Burmese Choral Songs for Burmese Traditional Water Festival produced by Burmese activists from India MyanmarISP Team March 15, 2009       Burmese democracy activists in India had launched “Thangyat” song CD for Burmese traditional water festival…

Burmese Tea Leaf Salad with Yellow Coloring banned

  Burmese Tea Leaf Salad with Yellow Coloring banned MoeMaKa Photo News Marhc 12, 2009           43 brands that produced Burmese Tea Leaf Salad, a popular Burmese traditional dessert in ready-made packaged-food were banned from the store shelf, Burmese ministry…