(It might be a dream I thought because I slept last night too late by watching this moon lit night.) ‘Under the moon lit night, who love to light the world with me?’ I hummed this tune under…
Category: Community
Articles on Burmese community with the following sub sections – Letters, Memory, Portrait, Talks, Experience, Travelogue, Others, Burmese Overseas
Under the Moonlit NIght by JuniorWin
(Under the moon lit night, who love to light the world with me?) In this month, 28th of November is the full moon day of Tanhsaungmone in the Burmese calendar. It was also named festival of lights. Lighting candles or colored…
A Day in the Book Fair by Junior Win
Left to Right – 1,A program for giving speech by writers, I saw two writers sitting on the stage, 2,Inside the hall, 3,Books for sale, only 1000 kyats per each, WOW! How cheap it is!, 4,I saw 3 or…
‘Festival of Light’ (Junior Win)
(Photo – A light festival on the eve, I illuminated with candles at the front of my grandparents house. I missed them so much. I also missed many happy memories which now became history since many years went by.) Thadingyut falls…
The Unforgettables by Junior Win
The nineteenth of July 1947 was a day we shall not easily forget. Our grandparents always said it was the day of tears and mourns. ‘Everywhere in the city, on buses, on trains and in the market places…
Fundraiser for Rakhine in Burma on July 8th
On the 8th of July, the San Francisco Burmese Community held a Food Fair at the Newark Pavilion. The purpose of this event was to raise money to support the relief effort for the Rakhine people. There were…
SFBC Bookdrive at Burmese Community Thingyan
The Thingyan Pwe, a Burmese water festival, was held on the 27th of May, by the Bay Area Burmese community. At this event, the SFBC Bookdrive had a booth with various displays explaining what this bookdrive is about and detailing its importance in both the Burmese community here, in America, and in Burma.
Thingyan Festival by Junior Win
Thingyan Festival
We have great fun during festivals. People go to the monasteries, pagodas and some interesting places during festivals. Many festivals are celebrated all over Burma.
(Picture Illustrated by Artist U Ba Kyi)
SFBC (San Francisco Burmese Community) Bookdrive Updates
Last month, 6 boxes were sent in 3 batches, costing $330. These boxes, containing books, will be sent to self-run libraries in schools and homes in remote rural areas.
A Letter to my Grandmother by Junior Win
A Letter to my Grandmother ‘One of the highlights of the season in Rangoon is the Shwedagon Pagoda festival celebrated on the grounds around the hill where stands the great pagoda.’ heard from you, grandma, long ago. Today 2600th anniversary of…
Walking through the Wonderland by Junior Win

There was MoeKaung Pagoda Festival held from 9t December of 2011 to 17th December of 2011 in Rangoon. People became crowded after 6:00PM, so I chose early time to see the festival. It was held once per year, so it was impossible to miss it!
The Movement of buildOn by Pwintphyu Nandar
It has been twenty years of building a movement for buildOn. Twenty years of weekends spent doing community service. Twenty years of summers spent in third-world countries helping build schools. That is what twenty years have been like for…
Tanhsungmone and the Medicine Night by Junior Win
Tanhsaungmone and The Medicine Night
Where Dams Dare by Junior Win
Where Dams Dare by Junior Win
Khet Mar: Interview with editors, James Byrne & Ko Ko Thet
Bones Will Crow: An Anthology of Burmese Poetry | Sampsonia Way Magazine
James Byrne is an editor and co-founder of The Wolf poetry magazine. He has worked for the Poetry Translation Centre in London and has translated poetry from the Middle-East and the Balkans. For The Wolf he has published the work of Burmese poets Zawgyi, Saw Wai, Hyma Ein, Manorhary and Phone Thet Paing. Byrne recently lived in New York City from 2009-2011, where he was an Extraordinary International Fellow at New York University. His most recent collection is Blood/Sugar, published by Arc in 2009.