Spring Revolution Local News – Nov 22 (Evening)

Spring Revolution Local News – Nov 22 (Evening)

Summary of News

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says that in order to eradicate the entire terrorist group, it is necessary to fight and destroy it with the combined military forces of the alliance
  2. NUG Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says that he is pleased to hear the release of political prisoners who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist regime
  3. The NUG Home Affairs Minister says that as the owner of Myanmar is the entire people, the entire people should be involved in all issues concerning Myanmar
  4. Over 250 mobile teams provide emergency health care in places where there is a fight
  5. NUG Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung warns people to invest only in tangible things because there are fraudsters who write an application to impress people, similar to MLM
  6. This morning, the KIA and allies attacked a terrorist military junta column leaving Moetar Village in Katha Township with mines
  7. Kyauk Taing Village in Kanbalu Township was burned and destroyed
  8. Over 17,000 US dollars received from the screening of “The Road Not Taken” in Jacksonville, USA, will be donated to emergency areas through the NUG Ministry of Defence


1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says that in order to eradicate the entire terrorist group, it is necessary to fight and destroy it with the combined military forces of the alliance

The 75th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government was held at 10:00 a.m. this morning. Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, along with union ministers and deputy ministers, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the National Unity Government Acting President Duwa Lashi La said, “Economic exploitation is mainly carried out by the Myanmar military group and its community. The crony class arose only during military rule. In addition to a lack of political freedom, Myanmar has seen a significant increase in economic inequality. It is also obvious that with this 2021 military coup, the Myanmar military is trying to suck and manipulate various economic resources in the country for years to come. I believe we all know and understand this.”

In addition to this, the Acting President said that the uneven distribution of wealth in the country creates a general economic crisis and urged the attendees of the meeting to resist and destroy political exploitation during Myanmar’s Spring Revolution.

The Acting President continued, “There is one thing I would like to encourage here. That is, to quickly eliminate the entire terrorist military group in Myanmar’s current Spring Revolution. In order to eradicate the entire terrorist group, it is necessary to fight and destroy it with the combined forces of the alliance.”

The Acting President said that as long as the terrorist military cannot be exterminated quickly, people’s safety and livelihood cannot be secured, and as a revolutionary government, the National Unity Government must be a government that stands firmly in front of the public as well as a government that works each day to be worthy of the public’s trust.


2. NUG Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says that he is pleased to hear the release of political prisoners who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist regime

The 75th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government was held at 10:00 this morning. At the meeting, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “At this week’s meeting, firstly, I would like to say that I am glad for the released political prisoners who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist regime, and I am glad for their families. We must continue to make efforts to free all political prisoners, including our President and State Counselor, who are being held in prison for no reason, as soon as possible. I would like to encourage the international community, which respects and values democracy and human rights and has stood with the people of Myanmar, to continue to stand on the side of truth in this revolution.”

In addition to this, the Union Prime Minister also said that although there may be different opinions and different objectives according to ethnicities and regions, a common desire to root out the terrorist military council is the best force for the revolution.

The Union Prime Minister continued, “It is very important for the leading organizations of the revolution, such as the National Unity Consultative Council, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, and the National Unity Government, to have continuous cooperative activities in every sector. Besides, it is important to bring together the strength of the representative committees of each state’s parliament, the strength of various strikes, and the strength of CDMs in each respective sector.”


3. The NUG Home Affairs Minister says that as the owner of Myanmar is the entire people, the entire people should be involved in all issues concerning Myanmar

At the “Administrative Sector Public Meeting” held on November 21, U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, said:

“The people are the owners of this country. People should express their opinions on all issues concerning the country, not just the revolution. If there is a ruling government, the people must thoroughly correct the government they elected.”

The National Unity Government was formed through the Committee Representing Pyudaungsu Hluttaw, which was comprised of MPs who won seats in the 2020 general elections, as well as the National Unity Consultative Council.


4. Over 250 mobile teams provide emergency health care in places where there is a fight

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said in an interview in November that over 250 mobile teams are providing emergency health care in places where there is a fight.

“We are doing emergency health care in places where there is a fight. There are more than 250 mobile teams in total, 167 mobile front-line hospitals, 52 base hospitals, and more are being built,” said the union minister.

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defence are offering first aid training and emergency health care training for the PDF comrades.


5. NUG Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung warns people to invest only in tangible things because there are fraudsters who write an application to impress people, similar to MLM

On November 22, U Maw Htun Aung, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of the National Unity Government, warned people about the frauds.

“The current trend in Myanmar is to write an application to impress people, like MLM, which often pretends to operate within the framework of the law, and uses investment schemes to lure people in with the promise of high returns. It is not just people in Myanmar who are being lied to; it is difficult to get rid of fraud in the world. So, if you want to invest, you should invest in things that you can see and touch, such as rice, sesame, and warehouses, and focus on opportunities to increase your business,” deputy minister said.

The National Unity Government is selling officially guaranteed housing investment projects and EOD shares, and it is now possible to purchase special treasury bonds.


6. This morning, the KIA and allies attacked a terrorist military junta column leaving Moetar Village in Katha Township with mines

The Katha PaKaHpa, a local people’s defence force in Katha Township, claimed that the KIA and allies attacked a terrorist military junta column leaving Moetar Village, Katha Township, Sagaing Division.

“The KIA Brigade-2 column and the Katha Township people’s defence force (PaKaHpa)-Moetar attacked the military council troops, leaving Moetar Village with mine.” the Katha PaKaHpa said.

In the attack, there were some casualties among junta troops, and the allied forces were reportedly able to retreat unharmed.


7. Kyauk Taing Village in Kanbalu Township was burned and destroyed

“On the morning of November 22, a military council column with 100 soldiers that arrived at Kar Boe Village, Kanbalu Township, invaded Kyauk Taing Village while firing small and heavy weapons, and burned down Kyauk Taing Village,” the Khin-U Region Defense Alliance Force said.

The Khin-U Region Defense Alliance Force also warned residents of villages near DY-1 Mubao, northwest of Khin-U, to take precautions given the military situation.


8. Over 17,000 US dollars received from the screening of “The Road Not Taken” in Jacksonville, USA, will be donated to emergency areas through the NUG Ministry of Defence

In the last week of November, the Jacksonville Myanmar Association announced that over 17,000 US dollars received from the screening of “The Road Not Taken” in Jacksonville, USA, will be donated to emergency areas through the NUG Ministry of Defence.

It is reported that on the evening of November 20, at the Ramallah-American Club in Jacksonville, the United States, the film “The Road Not Taken,” directed by Ko Pauk, was screened, and the total fundraising was over 17,000 US dollars. It is also said that all funds will be transferred directly to those in need back home as soon as possible, in collaboration with the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defense (MOD). 






#Credit : Radio NUG


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