Happy Birthday Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the present from the Junta, never fails – Cartoon by Beruma July 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the present from the Junta, never fails
Happy Birthday Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the present from the Junta, never fails – Cartoon by Beruma July 11, 2008
Burmese Helping Burmese Fund, Statement 11/2008
Date 10th July 2008
Subject – Burmese Helping Burmese Fund, Statement 11/2008
Dear All Burmese Helping Burmese Donors & Volunteer Contributors
Thanks for your continuous support on Burmese Helping Burmese fund to help and support the following Burmese people inside Burma
– Political prisoners & their families
– Burmese Democracy Activists and their communities
– Burmese Monks boycotting the alms from the Burmese regime
– Burmese Media Professionals standing out for freedom of press & expression
This month, we are finally in the process of publishing a book dedicated to Kye Mon U Thaung who recently passed away in April 2008 at the age of 82. He was a renowned journalist in exile who continuously fight for freedom of expression and press in Burma for almost of his life time. We will be raising fund from the sale of this book to assist and support the Burmese media people inside Burma who still stand out and fight for the press freedom inside Burma.
Thu – Nargis Diary – Postcards from the Delta # 3
Nargis Diary – Postcards from the Delta # 3ThuJune 12th , 2008 Dear Friend, Hay Mann Tha ZinThe Faces and the Hands at Kan Seik VillageThe FamiliesThe ChildrenThey are we … (Photo at Bokalay, Kan Seik Village, MoeMaKa)
Thu – Nargis Diary – Postcards from the Delta # 2
Nargis Diary – Postcards from the Delta # 2ThuJune 11th , 2008 Dear Friend, Hay Mann Tha ZinHow many time a child smilesUnder such tiring and saddened days …When he receives extra clothes from charity people … (Photo at Bokalay,…
Thu – Nargis Diary – Postcards from the Delta
Nargis Diary – Postcards from the DeltaThu June 10th, 2008 Dear Hay Mann Thazin Schools are now open in Delta With the survived students and survived schools But … No Schools No Students and still, the schools…
Burmese Helping Burmese Fund, Statement 10/2008
Date – 8th June 2008
Subject – Burmese Helping Burmese Fund, Statement 10/2008
Dear All Burmese Helping Burmese Donors and Volunteer Contributors
Thanks for your continuous support on Burmese Helping Burmese Fund to help and support the Burmese refugees hit hard by the Nargis Storm and also towards the Burmese, Monks, political prisoners and their families struggling for freedom and democracy with peaceful means inside Burma.
For the month of May 2008, we have contributed so far as follows
1. From Burmese Helping Burmese Donors – US$ 1100.00
2. From various Donor Organizations towards Nargis Relief Works inside Burma – US$ 30,000.00
Total Donation received – 31,100.00 US$
We have contributed our charity through the following volunteers group inside Burma
Burmese Helping Burmese – Statement 9/2008
Dated – 10th May 10, 2008
Burmese Helping Burmese – Statement 9/2008
Dear All Burmese Helping Burmese Donors
We will have to change our name to – “Burmese Saving Burmese” under the watchful, brutal and ignorant eye of Burmese junta. We have to tell the whole world to urge – “Please save Burmese from the Disasters of the Storm and the Regime”.
As we have reported previously we have reserved US$ 2000.00 for the Storm and after May 6th, we made contact with our “Burmese Helping Burmese” team back in Rangoon and they are up and running again helping storm victims as much as they can.
We have so far from our sources, initiated and mobilized the total fund donation to help the Burmese Storm Victims in the affected area around Rangoon & Delta with US$ 8,000.00 already.
Please share the information that we need 3 level of support and donation drive to help save Burma.
Conversation with Sayadaw U Kovida
from Spring 2008 Turning Wheel
Conversation with Sayadaw U Kovida
by Maia Duerr and Hozan Alan Senauke
Sayadaw U Kovida is a highly respected senior monk who was born in Burma 81 years ago. Although he now lives in exile in New York, he was once the patron of Ma Soe Yein monastery, one of the oldest Buddhist schools in Burma.
In 2001, Sayadaw visited the U.S. and stayed at the Sasana Joti Center, a New York monastery. Every year he went back to Burma, but since September 2007, he has not been able to return. Sayadaw is now the patron of Sasana Moli – the International Burmese Monks Organization – founded in October 2007. Sasana Moli (which translates to “crown jewel of the monastic community”) is an alliance of more than 50 monks from the U.S., the U.K., Singapore, Canada, and Malaysia.
On December 15, 2007, BPF staff members Alan Senauke and Maia Duerr had the honor of a private audience with Sayadaw at the Mettananda Vihara in Fremont, California. The day before, Sayadaw was awarded an honorary degree from the University of San Francisco on behalf of all Buddhist monks in Burma. We met on the second floor of the vihara, with several members of the Burmese community joining us. Sayadaw welcomed us with a bow and a warm smile, and sat in a chair near the altar of the Buddha beautifully decorated with food offerings. Maung Yit served as our translator.
Maung Swan Yi – The 3 Sons of Burma
The Three Sons of BurmaMaung Swan YiNov 21, 2007 When …..The soldiersGo backTo the barracks, The monksWill go backTo the monasteries, The studentsWill go backTo their studies, Then …. The white dovesAbove in the blue skyThey will sing and fly.…
Nyane Thit – The Ghost
The Ghost
Nyane Thit
August 30th, 2007
– The night hit hard with dark storm
The dark soaked in every corner
There in the dark came
The misery in stealth
And you …
I have longed for your smile .
– Under the dazzling search light
With the mystical might
There at the roof edge
Dangled and gone
Then run the scared wardens
From the side of hangman ward
Stirred by sight of yours
Kaung Kin Pyar – The Latest Joke (oops) Prayer from Burma
The Latest Joke (oops) Prayer from Burma
Kaung Kin Pyar
October 17, 2007
In Burma, among Burmese people, we have variety of prayers for our Buddhist religion. But in those tiring days, came a new kind of prayer for our true believers.
The story goes like this; while one of the renowned comedian (you know who …) was arrested for his participation in recent monks’ boycott to the Burmese junta, he was continuously harassed and interrogated by the army officers at the unknown location (you know where …).