Author: Junior Win

The Adventure of My Translating Lewis Carroll’s Masterpieces into Burmese by Junior Win

The Adventure of My Translating Lewis Carroll’s Masterpieces into Burmese In my childhood, I was familiar with the story of Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by reading the Illustrated Classics, and by watching Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland based on…

The Act of Paying Respect by Junior Win

Every Burmese Buddhist home has household shrine. There, where the image of the Buddha was. Buddhists put the flowers, cups of water, or candles before the household shrine, and recited the Buddha teaching, and praying. (Buddhists offered flowers at their…

My Life Will Go On (33)

In my literary life, in 2008, my translated book ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in Burmese was awarded from Tun Foundation for the Children Literary Genre. At that time, I created a blog and posted my articles in Burmese as juniorwin. Still…

My Life Will Go On (32) by Junior Win

‘I write for pure love and enjoyment, I read for pure love and enjoyment. I never have any other aim, noble or otherwise.’ I translated my grandmother’s books (Flowers and Festivals Round the Burmese Year and Three Years under the…

My Life Will Go On (30) by Junior Win

After 3 weeks my grandmother passing away, I had to attend the graduation of Master degree in the University of Rangoon. According to the rule and regulation of the University, we had to fill our applications to the Convocation before…

My Life Will Go On (26) by Junior Win

When the time came, I saw lecturers and associate professors and professors of various Institutes, and colleges had already arrived. (Except my professor and my examiners. They did not come. They did not attend my seminar although they were invited.…