From Radio NUG local news headlines on the morning of April 16, 2024
1. Interim President Duwal Shila signed a congratulatory letter to record the 24th one hundred thousand dollars sent by the members of the One Day Challenge.
2. The Minister of Human Rights said that he noted the criticisms of Thingyan Song towards NUG and considered that more improvements need to be done for NUG
3. Interim Local Public Administration Implementation Central Committee and Township Public Administration Organizations in Sagaing Division, Union Ministers Attend Meeting
4. Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee and Tanintharyi Division Irrawaddy Division Bagu Division township public administration groups meeting and discussion
5. Deputy Minister of Education Jar Tuepan informed that NUCC, NUG-MOE, who are drafting policies for CDM/NonCDM student policies, can positively help and advise them.