Myanmar Spring Chronicle – September 29 Scenes
MoeMaKa, September 30 2022
Raiding prison car. Bombing detention center and Approaching UN way
The truth keeping force – Amarapura, released the news about themselves that they attacked the police car near the Myit Ngwe Bridge, Amarapura Township, Mandalay Division, in the morning of September 29. It read:t the prison car where the political prisoners were being transferred was spotted and attacked by the allied urban guerrilla groups near the Myit Ngwe Bridge – two policemen were killed on the spot, one prisoner was injured, eight escaped and six were later recaptured.
During the revolution, guerrilla forces have targeted police stations, outposts and checkpoints in urban and suburban areas, as well as prisons. After the heroes of the spring revolution, Ko Jimmy, Ko Zeyar Thaw and 2 comrades were hanged by the military council, urban guerrilla forces started to target Insein prison and other detention center of Myanmar regime.
This time, in an attempt to attack a car carrying political prisoners, they failed, with one injured, 6 arrested, and 2 escaped. The guerrilla group that released the news claimed that they had announced it in a hurry so that the remaining people would not be executed by police. It must be concluded that they were worried that political prisoners who were recaptured by the military council would be killed and disappeared .
Although I would like to say that the urban guerrillas have come to the point of close encounter raiding operation stepping up from using bombs, weapons, and shooting from afar in the urban battle, they will have to continue to keep trying raid mission until succeed. The military council’s soldiers and policemen practiced atrocities like the proverb “setting fire to the granary because one cannot beat the mice,” so if they were raided, they would certainly not spare any civilian, defenders or associates alive in their hands in retaliation.
On the night of September 28th, AA announced that the captured military council soldiers were killed due to aerial bombardment by the military council army on the prisoner of war camps held by the Rakhine Army (AA). The military council bombarded the area with 3 jet fighters for half an hour. The place of attack was 2 prisons of the AA unit on Letpan Ridge in Maungdaw Township. It is written that these prisons were where prisoners of war, military council soldiers and border guards were kept.
The military council itself carried out an air raid on the AA prison camp where their soldiers were being held captive, so it is questionable whether they did not consider the civilians on the other side as well as the families of their own soldiers. Many of the junta soldiers and policemen are deserting the army, surrendering, and joining the revolutionary forces and it keeps growing, so the military leaders treat the families of the soldiers who desert them as enemies and suppress them too. It can be said that the Spring Revolution and the Allies’ continuous exhortation and welcome to the military council soldiers to join forces to bring in the light have been effective.
The latest news is that the much-anticipated United Nations General Assembly has handed over in an uncertain manner the Afghanistan and Myanmar representatives’ issue to the Credentials Committee. In September of last year, they did not make a decision and said they would follow the advice of the Credentials Committee. In December of last year, the Commission advised keeping the Myanmar and Afghanistan affairs as they used to be without making any changes, and the UN agreed. U Kyaw Moe Tun was able to keep it as it was, but in September 2022, we can see that it is just still going around like a record disc.
This time, at the UN conference, some countries urged the Myanmar people’s will to be emphasized in the discussion about Myanmar, and they also asked the UN Security Council to re-submit the Myanmar issue. Myanmar’s Military Council and the Spring Revolution forces themselves no longer seem to take much account of the UN anymore. It seems that both the military side and the NUG side are working dutifully to say what should be said and what should be revealed and they have turned their backs on trying to settle domestic affairs domestically.