Myanmar Spring Chronicle – June 10 scenes

(MoeMaKa) June 11, 2022

Cambodia’s Prime Minister requests not to proceed execution. 

The World Bank can’t forecast Myanmar’s prospects.

It is seen that the daily news facts in recent weeks, reported in the news media, have included international Governments and Human Right Organizations condemning, objecting and warning about the final verdict on the death penalty for U Jimmy, U Zayer Thaw and 2 others.

Embassies of Western Countries and some International Human Rights Organizations condemn the proceeding of execution and United Nation also send a letter of objection. Among the ASEAN countries, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Hun Sen, the current chair of ASEAN, is the first one to send the request letter.

Although it is not clear whether the request is sent with the agreement of all ASEAN countries, this request generally reflects the view of all ASEAN countries as Hun Sen is the current chair of ASEAN. In the letter, it is stated that if the execution plans are still going on, there will be widespread negative reaction within the ASEAN countries. It is also stated that it will have a serious impact and it is still not known how the military council will respond.

The other news is that the World Bank’s annual report on Global Economic Prospects excluded Myanmar this year because it couldn’t forecast properly. In the World Bank’s annual report, Myanmar is excluded because of lack of data on its economy one year after the military coup.

More than one year and four months after the military coup, Myanmar Economy is leading towards deterioration and as credible data are no longer available, the World Bank can no longer provide forecasts for Myanmar Economy as it was before 2011.

If you look at the obvious scenario, it can be seen that there are people who blindly choose schools run by the military council, people who choose safe private schools in the country, people who enroll in international schools, people who work randomly in the country to earn a living and people from rural and urban who go to neighboring countries legally or illegally are rising as a huge wave. Those who can afford are trying to move abroad sooner or later.

The economy, which has been in decline since the military coup, high inflation, decreasing job opportunities and the impact of rising global oil prices since the start of the war in Ukraine, Myanmar Economic situation is likely to be more deteriorating. The spread of the civil war and the difficulty with transportation lead to the potential for general economic crisis. Actually, the country is facing a general economic crisis currently and the military council is running its own finances and the people survive on the flow of currency and goods which are supported by foreign and borders.

I think that it is important to consider to solve the problem of the increasing deterioration of Myanmar Economy, the growth of the population below the poverty line, the increasing population with millions of people needing the humanitarian aid as the civil war escalates, together with the focus on the victory of the political situation.