NLD reopened its party’s office in KunChanKone township

NLD reopened its party’s office in KunChanKone township

MoeMaKa Reporter (Rangoon)

March 9th, 2009

          While opposition media were reporting that NLD party was being cut off communication channel and abused by Burmese regime supported thugs, they however managed to reopen party office on 8th March 2009 in KonChanKone Township battered badly by Cyclone Nargis back in May 2008. In the reported photos, among the party township organizers, some prominent leaders from the Rangoon’s headquarter such as U Win Tin, Dr Win Naing, U Ba Swe and Dr Myo Aung were present.

Maung Tha Noe – Modern Burmese Poetry

Maung Tha Noe with Modern Poet Moe Zaw - filed picture

Maung Tha Noe with Modern Poet Moe Zaw - filed picture


Modern Burmese Poetry

by Maung Tha Noe

October 21, 2008


            When the BBC asked me in a recent interview what books the youth in Burma today are reading, I told them our boys and girls are too busy looking for means of survival to bother about literature. The interviewer retorted to the effect that someone in a Rangoon bookshop had told her they do read computer books and economics books. I told her that computer books or books on business management are not literature, at least not imaginative literature. The young people today are not reading the kinds of books we used to read in our student days – books by Shwe-udaung or Bhamo Tin Aung, novels by D.H. Lawrence or George Orwell, or the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam or Mayakovskiy’s Cloud in Trousers.