Category: Current

Current Issues & News on Burma & Burmese people with the sub sections – News, Feature, Interview, Photo-News, Op-Ed and so on

Burmese Senior Politicians marked 61st Anniversary

Burmese Senior Politicians marked 61st Anniversary

MoeMaKa Photo News

January 4th 2009

             Burmese senior politicians, their friends, former comrades and opposition figures gathered together to host the ceremony of 61st anniversary of Burma Independence. Thakhin Thein Maung, Thakhin Thein Maung, Thakhin Ohn Myint, Naing Ngwe Thein, U Min Lwin were hosting the program. Some of the attendees were Daw Aye Mar, Daw Le Le, Daw Myint Myint Sein, Daw May Win Myint, U Kyi Win, U Maung Maung Khin, U Aung Myint aka Poet Phyar Pon Ni Lon Oo, U Win Tin and  Daw Naw Ohn Hlan.

NLD and Alliance Opposition Parties Announced New Year Message

NLD and Alliance Opposition Parties Announced New Year Message MoeMaKa Photo News January 3rd, 2009           Burmese opposition party, NLD and its allies announced special statement for 2009 New Year. It urged for national unity and demand the ruling junta…

Family members of 88 Generation Students found waiting themselves outside Insein prison


Family members of 88 Generation Students found waiting themselves outside Insein prison

MoeMaKa Photo News

October, 13th 2008

            Burmese regime had not allowed the family members of 88 generation students to attend the trials of their siblings without giving them any proper notice since last week. On 13th October 2008, these families’ members were found waiting in front of the main gate of Insien prison in which the court sessions were processed according to the regime. They had sent the protest letter signed to the authority to allow them back to attend the trials of the 88 generation students.

Burmese Internet Users told not to click unfriendly links received in their emails

Burmese Internet Users told not to click unfriendly links received in their emails MoeMaKa Reporter 003 October 12, 2008             Most of the Burmese inside Burma used free email account from Google’s Gmail and the numbers were found grown to…

Burmese Monks & Followers helped Orphans from Nargis Cyclone in the Delta Area as 2nd trip of Child Aid Foundation activity


From Child Aid Foundation – 2nd Charity Event in

Nargis Delta – Oct 2008

Burmese Monks & Followers helped Orphans from Nargis Cyclone in the Delta Area as 2nd trip of Child Aid Foundation activity

MoeMaKa Reporter 002

October 8, 2008

          With the donation and charity raised from both inside and outside of Burmese community, Child Aid Foundation run by Burmese monks and Burmese Buddhists had made 2nd trip to the Delta area to offer some relief for orphans after the Nargis cyclone.

          Previously with 200 children listed under the care of the Foundation, it was now learnt that more 50 or so children were added. With the help and assistance of local Burmese monasteries, Burmese monks and local community, together with the charity raised from Burmese from various places, this relief work became possible collectively.

Burmese in San Francisco bay area to hold Burmese literary talk

Burmese in San Francisco bay area to hold Burmese literary talk

MoeMaKa Reporter 002

October 1, 2008

Burmese community in the San Francisco bay area were planning to hold Burmese literary talk for the ninth annual time in this coming November 8th.

Since 8 years ago in the bay area, Burmese community with the objectives of maintaining and spreading of Burmese literature among the Burmese immigrants and also with the aim to raise the awareness and value of being Burmese among multi-cultural community in the US, will be inviting 5 Burmese writers staying in US for this coming 9th annual event.

Five of them were as listed as follows; Maung Swan Yi, poet in exile, Director U Win Pe, film director and artist in exile, Mar Mar Aye, Burmese classic song singer and artist in exile, Nyan Oo Maung, Burmese monks and writer and lastly Aung Way, poet in exile who recently fled after 2007 Burma Saffron Revolution.

General Than Shwe could be shot down with sling-shot

General Than Shwe could be shot down with sling-shot

MoeMaKa Reporter 003

October 1, 2008

            Burmese military ruling general Than Shwe can be shot down virtually with a sling-shot is at hand. For this operation, all you need is a computer with an internet connection. You have to visit “MoeMaKa Dot Com” website to play the game called “How you can hit hard on Than Shwe”, a computer game online. Burmese cartoonist inside Burma smuggled out this flash game with the Burmese traditional flavor, a Burmese cowboy in sarong holding a slig-shot.

MoeMaKa Media to publish collection of articles of U Win Tin, honoring him after his release

   MoeMaKa Media to publish collection of articles of U Win Tin, honoring him after his release MoeMaKa September 30, 2008 MoeMaKa – Burmese news group at the bay is going to publish a book with collections of articles by…

Burmese Public encouraged after U Win Tin released

Burmese Public encouraged after U Win Tin released

Nyunt Htwe

September, 29th 2008

All walks of life in Rangoon were excited and cheerful when they heard the news of U Win Tin’s release. Burmese general public were consumed themselves struggling for their day to day survival under the ruling of regime so much that they had lost their interest in looking out for political news and events. However soon after the news of U Win Tin’s release spread across Rangoon and beyond, they were found themselves in high spirits of his release.

“I am just happy to hear the news. I cannot tell in detail why. I have not met him before. But it seems to me like my father being freed from prison. The whole county will also be encouraged …” said one high school student.

Burmese in Singapore marked One Year Anniversary of Saffron Revolution event

Burmese in Singapore marked One Year Anniversary of Saffron Revolution event

Ko Paw

September, 29th 2008

          On September 27, Singapore time, Burmese activists staying in Singapore marked one year anniversary of Saffron Revolution at Tha Di Burmese Buddhist Monastery by donating swan (meal), robes and fund to the residing and guest monks. It was attended with 25 Burmese where the number of interested persons greatly reduced comparing with one year ago.

          At night, they offered free cold drinks to the monastery-goers at Burmese Buddhist Temple, a land mark and gathering place for Burmese Buddhists in Singapore. Later they offered red roses and candle lights at the alter and shrine areas of the monastery.

          Singapore is regarded as one of the ally to Burmese military junta and the government had recently refused visa extension to Burmese activists working legally in Singapore. Although Singapore authority were showing their discontent with Burmese people who would like to raise awareness of Burmese struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma, the activists and their families were still organizing more event to step up the pressure on the junta.

Burmese residents in Los Angeles became monks to honor one year anniversary of Saffron Revolution

From Burma Saffron Revolution – 1 year – Monkhood in LA Burmese residents in Los Angeles became monks to honor one year anniversary of Saffron Revolution MoeMaKa – Photo News September 27th 2008           Eight Burmese residing in California became…

U Win Tin attended 20th anniversary of NLD

U Win Tin attended 20th anniversary of NLD, Burmese opposition party led by Aung San Suu Kyi after his release Photo News September, 27th 2008            U Win Tin and some other former political prisoners recently released from prisons after…

San Franciscan & Burmese community remember Saffron Revolution one year later

From Saffron Revolution Remembered – One Year Later – SF

San Franciscan & Burmese community remember Saffron Revolution one year later

 MoeMaKa – Photo News

September 27, 2008

          On 26th September, at the late afternoon, Union square, downtown of San Francisco, about a hundred people gather to commemorate one year anniversary of Burma’s Saffron Revolution. It was attended with 3 Burmese monks from the bay area and also from various interested communities and associations. After the guest speakers, Burmese youth and students performed Burmese traditional music and poem recital written by Aung Way who is now in exile after the 2007 crackdown. Two songs sung by Burmese artist in exile, Mar Mar Aye and one song published by local Burmese artists inside Burma back in 2007 Saffron Revolution were played as background music at the event.

Yawning Bread – Singapore shows Burmese dissidents the door

Led by Singapore’s George Yeo, Asean foreign ministers last September “expressed their revulsion to Myanmar Foreign Minister Nyan Win over reports that the demonstrations in Myanmar [were] being suppressed by violent force”, and called on the military junta there to “work towards a peaceful transition to democracy.”

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had spoken “to his ASEAN counterparts… and [would] be writing to Senior General Than Shwe,” the joint Asean statement said [1]. During that period, Singapore was the rotating chair of Asean, and people thought this unusually strong statement was a hopeful sign of where Singapore stood. But was this government, always so boastful of its “integrity”, being sincere?