Burmese Senior Politicians marked 61st Anniversary
MoeMaKa Photo News
January 4th 2009
Burmese senior politicians, their friends, former comrades and opposition figures gathered together to host the ceremony of 61st anniversary of Burma Independence. Thakhin Thein Maung, Thakhin Thein Maung, Thakhin Ohn Myint, Naing Ngwe Thein, U Min Lwin were hosting the program. Some of the attendees were Daw Aye Mar, Daw Le Le, Daw Myint Myint Sein, Daw May Win Myint, U Kyi Win, U Maung Maung Khin, U Aung Myint aka Poet Phyar Pon Ni Lon Oo, U Win Tin and Daw Naw Ohn Hlan.