Category: Features

News Features on Burma & Burmese issues

The History of the Burmses Kyat by Zaw Aung

US$, Sin$, and Burmese Kyat’s History by Zaw Aung, translated by Hla Oo

In 1990, one American Dollar was 30 kyats, one Singapore Dollar was 45 kyats, an average apartment was 300,000 kyats, a Toyota Hilux pickup truck was 300,000 kyats as well, the telephone connection with a handset was 300,000 kyats too, and a plate of Biriani (Dan-bouk) was just 5 kyats.

Oakland Digital hosts first meeting between Burmese Community & White House AAPI Chair

an article written by our host Oakland Digital.

On Thursday, August 18th 2011, Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center (ODALC) hosted the first meeting between the Burmese Community and Daphne Kwok, Chair of President Barack Obama’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders. This historic gathering in downtown Oakland was part of the White House Initiative for positive change in the AAPI community.

Rangoon View 1st Week of March 2011- MoeMaKa Street Journalist


Delaying the parliament’s schedule, the present military government is speeding up its moves, to sell country’s natural resources and to give its cronies lucrative contracts to manage state-owned properties, at the same time.

It has been seen that not only the passenger buses, but also the luxurious cars like ‘Mark Two’, join the business of queuing up for petrol at the private stations for hours and reselling it on black market, to earn extra money of 10000 kyat.

The junta does not try to formulate the effective economic policies – letting private enterprises do business freely – to control the consumer goods prices, nor to enforce essential laws so as to be competitive in the market. Thus it is likely to cause inflation and social crises after junta’s plan to raise salaries.

View form Rangoon – by MoeMaKa Street Reporter

Last Week of February, 2011


Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) Plans to Seize the Low Level Administrative Power

After attempting forcibly to win over 80 percent in last year’s election, occupying 25% of parliamentary seats by the military officers and forming a Cabinet overwhelmed by their own members, USDP is planning to replace the positions of the quarter level administration with its members.

News, during these days, has spread that USDP started replacing its members in the ranks of quarter peace and development council, in some Rangoon’s townships.

Union Day of Burma in Different Perspectives


Khin Hnin Lwin (Yangon)

February 13, 2011

The Armed Union Day

It was on the afternoon of February 11. Being riding in a city bus, I saw a scene from its window: armed men in military uniforms were standing here and there while some uniformed police were searching for something by digging the grass using iron sticks at the both sides of Pyi road, in front of the people’s square and former parliament building. The faces of those in search of something seemed to show that they were doing this work only dutifully, and they had to carry out this task because of the order from superiors even though they did not expect to find anything.

SPDC praises cease-fire groups

SPDC praises cease-fire groups

MoeMaKa Reporter No. 001

13 September 2009

        The former leaders of Kachin and Mon cease-fire groups, and their decision to establish political parties and participate in 2010 election were praised by a political article in Burma’s state-run media. By pointing out two cease-fire groups, Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and military arm of New Mon State Party (NMSP), the article eulogizes that the groups have chosen the best, the most appropriate, and the safest approach. The article also makes a comment that other cease-fire groups will also discuss, negotiate and cooperate to do so like KIA and NMSP.

          Although the author makes hints to cease-fire groups in his article, there is still quiet among leaders of other cease-fire groups. Some leaders who have close communication to media said that cease-fire groups still do not fully agree to the junta’s proposals.

          Author of the article in state-run media is Kyaw Ye Min. As usual habit of the state-run media, there is no introductory about who author is, but aims and contents of the article could be recognized as junta’s opinions. The author said the planning to transform cease-fire groups into Border-Guard-Forces and keep under Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services is good to the groups. He also makes a comment that the state, the junta will take full responsibility and accountability to cease-fire groups’ own properties and personal security matters. At the present days, there are 17 major and 20 minor cease-fire groups in Burma.

D Aung Khin – Refugees Made in Burma

Refugees Made in Burma
D Aung Khin
February 6, 2009
“All the villagers are deserting their villages!!!” According to the news headline, the readers might be puzzled, “It can’t be true. How can it be?”
Yes, it was true. There were several numbers of villages being deserted and increasing.
While city dwellers from Rangoon or Mandalay were busy attending certificate courses, catching buses and train, consulting with the astrologers and psychics for their better future, the villagers from remote areas were also struggling and hard-working on their own.

Yawning Bread – Singapore shows Burmese dissidents the door

Led by Singapore’s George Yeo, Asean foreign ministers last September “expressed their revulsion to Myanmar Foreign Minister Nyan Win over reports that the demonstrations in Myanmar [were] being suppressed by violent force”, and called on the military junta there to “work towards a peaceful transition to democracy.”

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had spoken “to his ASEAN counterparts… and [would] be writing to Senior General Than Shwe,” the joint Asean statement said [1]. During that period, Singapore was the rotating chair of Asean, and people thought this unusually strong statement was a hopeful sign of where Singapore stood. But was this government, always so boastful of its “integrity”, being sincere?