Author: admin

Cartoon Beruma – There’s more generals than buffalos … and still the generals are too old to plough the paddy fields …

Cartoon Beruma – There’s more generals than buffalos … and still the generals are too old to plough the paddy fields … August 14th 2008

Burmese Ethnics in Oakland, bay area held memorial service

Burmese Ethnics in Oakland, bay area held memorial service for

8888 – 20 years anniversary of Burmese democracy uprising


August 9, 2008

The event was held at “Dhamm Ayeyeik” Burmese Buddhist monastery. It was organized by Burmese community resettled from the Thai-Burma border area to this Oakland city. The “swan”, Burmese traditional lunch was prepared by volunteer Burmese families and “Mohingar”, Burmese traditional food similar to “fish chowder” was served to the attending guests.

Aung Way – Stanzas of our 20 Years

Stanzas of our 20 years
Aung Way
August 4th 2008

Red, red, Oh’ August
We have nothing to lose but our chains.

Red, red, Oh’ August
We have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep.

Red, red, Oh’ August
We all are Spartacus.

Red, red, Oh’ August
Let’s hope for the best, prepare for the worst.