SFBC Bookdrive Operations for the Months of April and May
This past April, New Society Library, a self-help library in TarMwe, received a box of book.
Another box was accepted for a Kachin non-profit education program by a prominent woman activist, Daw Baut Jar. More books have been promised for FFSS Yangon Libarry by Kyaw Thu and his wife, when they met with lead volunteers, during April in San Francisco.
(Kyaw Thu Ya and Jason seen with FFSS Yangon’s Kyaw Thu and Shwe Zee Kwet, while presenting children’s books, in San Francisco)
The San Francisco Burmese Community receives books, especially children’s books, in the form of donations from Burmese families and American Libraries. These books are packed in 1 1/2 cubic feet boxes, which holds 50-70 books. This bookdrive began last year and since then had delivered books to four libraries: New Light Direction Library, FFSS Libraruy, Thein Daung Monastic Library in Taung Gyi, and another monastic library in Peypin.
(Moemaka Reporter 002: May 20th, 2012)