Advertisements for business and general service relating to Bay Area are being put in the news letter, and the activities of organizations and families from that area are also included. Apart from the section titled “Talking with Daw Aye Aye Thaw”, who is supporting Burmese immigrants of Bay area, the publication carries the articles of Kyi Aung, Saw Min Wai, Htein Lin, Maung Lu Hmwe, Min Zin, and Zaw Phan.
It is learnt that among the organizers, the responsible team members for this bulletin are Htein Lin (editor), Kyaw Thu Ya (advertisement section), and Jason Moe Kyaw (designer). Address to reach the bulletin is “Mingalar Monthly, PO box 17, Daly city, CA 94016, email- The bulletin team makes an invitation read “Contact Mingalar to advertise your business”.
MoeMaKha presented this e-book bulletin for its world-wide readers so that they can enjoy reading it. It is said that you can subscribe this bulletin with a reasonable price by mail. Currently, this news letter will be distributed free to the readers in Bay area.
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