IT/IS Team – Setup and maintain daily operation of web hosting and content updating.
We are still hosting the following websites for the Burmese community; (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – Burma), (Myanmar Burmese Web Directory and Magazine Digest). In addition to that we setup and maintained the following in the year 2007, International Burmese Monks Organization,, Palaung Women Organization at Thai Burma border, , Yaung Chi Oo, Burmese Migrant Workers Association to protect their rights and community, , , presenting works and reflection of banned and censored Burmese artists and media professionals inside Burma.
Production & Publication Team has coordinated works with other media group to share resources and assist on each other operation when requested such as – BIT Team (India) (Burmese Information Technology Team) on Burmese font and Burmese content archival support (since 2006), – Radio Lovers Group (Australia) on sharing radio and audio program for weekly radio presentation (since 2006).
Burmese Helping Burmese – “Social Network and Fund Raising Charity Drive” among the Burmese outside Burma to help and support the grass root Burmese community in Burma who are actively working towards democratic civil society inside Burma, which is established soon after the 2007 September crackdown.
It raised total of nearly US$ 70,000.00 in 2007, which is now helping the following social, political and religious groups –
1. Political Prisoners and their family to assist their prison visit
2. Burmese Monks and Monasteries to support and rebuild back their daily operation after being brutally cracked down after September 2007.
3. Burmese Activists and their families’ members to sustain and to carry on their task and to support their social needs while building the democratic civil society
4. Burmese artists, journalist and media professional inside Burma with equipments, royalty and communication resources to carry on their reporting works and reaching out to us of the status and the struggle for democracy in Burma as monitoring and supporting team
MoeMaKa Team in Rangoon – After the 09 / 07 (September crackdown in Burma), Moemaka has managed to regroup not only outside Burma but also inside Burma to reorganize our priority and operation to enhance and advance the mission and vision of MoeMaKa organization. It successfully established the team member and group inside Burma especially in Rangoon to support and to report the news and features of Burma and at the same time to carry on the social support network of “Burmese Helping Burma” charity drive.