ကာတြန္းေစာငိုု – ငဒိုု႔ႏိုုင္ငံေတာ္၏ ဒိုု႔တာ၀န္အေရးသုုံးပါး ဇန္န၀ါရီ ၂၆၊ ၂၀၁၃ The duty of Burmese Regime aka Clean Government (Cartoon Saw Ngo)
Category: Cartoon Box
Cartoon Box
Burma Can Be Changed by Elections by Maung Yit
“I wish that when your daughter grows up and is in school, she can see Burma being changed by Presidents voted through by democratic elections.” Dog: “I don’t want her to have to study so many Presidetns!” This cartoon is…
Peace Process is silence by Cartoon Saw Ngo
Cartoon Saw Ngo – “In the hand of Burmese Regime, the peace process is silence …” (July 10/2012)
7th July 1962 – 50 years on by Cartoon Saw Ngo
Cartoon Saw Ngo (Who killed students and destroyed student union …) Memorial cartoon on 50th Anniversary of 7th July 1962 – Student Uprising in Burma
Monkey Business by Saw Ngo
On box: “Election Commission.” On paper: “Constitution.” What the monkey is telling the man, “President” Thein Sein: “We’ve gotta uphold the constitution.”
Dying to go Home by Maung Yit
“I’m dying to go back home!” “If you’re dying, then how can you get back home?”
Electricity in Burma by Kyaw Thu Rain
Electricity in Burma; used to power other countries.
Fight Media with Media by Maung Yit
In which they fight media with media (or fight fire with fire) and both parties gets burned.
Burmese Comments will Build a New Burma by Okay Linn
What’s going on: (In the first panel) People are criticizing the Rohingya vs. Rakhine issue occurring on the Bangladesh/Rakhine border, via comments on social networking sites. (Second Panel) The news come out. The government is doing something about the…
No Turning Back by Saw Ngo
“There’s no turning back now, Mr. President.”
What the World Deserves by Saw Ngo
The politician, as depicted by Saw Ngo, is telling excuses to the world, regarding the situation they are put in. The world does not deserves these lies and excuses that we are being told. We deserve the truth, not…
“Burma’s Best Export: Slave Workers,” by Saw Ngo
(Sign: Labor Ministry Box: To Malaysia) President to Labor Minister: “What are you doing with yourself?”
Cartoon Beruma: One Step A Day, Make Burmese Regime a chairman of ASEAN one day.
(Starting with welcoming exile, cease fire, meet with Suu, tax break for 6 months, allow UNHRC then Announce Amnesty …)
Politicians in Burmese Parliament – Cartoon Saw Ngo
“The dog days are not over; they are ruling us.”
64th Anniversary of Burmese Martyr’s Day – Cartoon Saw Ngo
“If all the Generals unite, Burma will be damned.”