My twin brother passed with 2 distinctions in his tenth-grade, and went to the Rangoon Institute of Technology. But I remained in my tenth-grade at high school. He would be one year ahead of me even I would reach the University next year.
When I was at tenth-grade, my parents found that their daughter was so poor in History that she was in danger of failing in the examination because of this. So, my parents went to a certain history teacher who made me recite the important dates, events, lines and paragraphs. She trained me so well that I can see the result now. Because of her good-care teaching, I passed my tenth-grade with History Distinction (Only one distinction I got in the 10th grade.)
(‘Wow! I did it!’.)(Illustrated by Maung Yit)
My grandpa was happy. He said History was the favorite subject of grandma. My father did not say anything about what I had done my clumsy performance in Mathematics in the final examination. According to the total marks, I could not get best Institute like my brother reached. For the first time in my life, I regretted for my stupidity in my school life. But what’s done is done. I took Mathematics major, and was going to attend at the Hlaing Campus, Rangoon University.
(‘a – m – b – i – t – i – o – n …. Oh! Where have you been so long?’)(Illustrated by Maung Yit)
For the first year in my new life in Hlaing Campus, Rangoon University, I was as happy as a bird free from cage. Among 11 subjects, 10 subjects were minor subjects including Chemistry, Physics and Geology. I hate Organic so much. My brain was still bad, could not memorize facts, and figures. I passed first year with no Distinction. When I reached the second year, for the first time in my life, the word ‘ambition’ was found in my dictionary.