Maung Swan Yi – Americanization of A Burman

I greet What’s up and Hi!
I listen to Sony and Akai
I answer and question in reply!
I mumble nope and yep
I dig rock and rap
I click enter and delete
Till my program is complete
I bounce to Lopez and Madonna
I sniff coke and sip cola
I sleep late and wake later
I say ass and even shit
And ont eh sidewalk I spit
I stop at malls and plazas
I bit on burgers and pizzas
I buy in dollars and dimes
I try the Tribune and Times
I embrace democracy, don’t dig autocrazy
I’m in America
I do what American does
I am the cat, you the mouse
Tomorrow I go to Burma
And what have I  gained
From this American City
Nothing but obesity!
It’s okay and Wow!

Iowa House Hotel