“Child Aid Foundation – Myanmar” released updated list of children and donors as of May 19th, 2009

Back in April 2009, the foundation had extended their charity by establishing Charity School of basic education for not only Nargis-Orphans but also other children suffering under social and other circumstances. It named the school as “Metta Nanda – Charity School for Children” and it shall be managed under the joint guidance of the Sayadaws from Phaung Taw Oo Monastery which had long standing experience of running orphanage and charity schools in Manadalay and Sayadaws from Child Aid Foundation.

It was learnt that the foundation would be holding a annul fund raising food fair for building of their new school in coming month June in New Ark, California, USA, inviting all the donors abroad. You can find the complete list of 560 Children and their respective donors from here – http://childaidmyanmar.org/images/CAFas102908.pdf

REF – http://ChildAidMyanmar.Org