Month: February 2024

Developments: Ethnic Armed Group Declares War

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – January 26 by MoeMaKa Media: Developments: Ethnic Armed Group Declares War In a significant escalation of hostilities, the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), an ethnic armed group with a history of non-confrontation with the military council,…

Fleeing Soldiers and City Destruction

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – January 23 by MoeMaKa Media: Fleeing Soldiers and City Destruction In a dramatic turn of events, military council soldiers trapped in the Paletwa region of Chin State sought refuge in neighboring India, fleeing the relentless assaults…

Sentencing and Clashes Mark Unsettling Events

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – January 22 by MoeMaKa Media: Sentencing and Clashes Mark Unsettling Events In an unexpected turn of events, six Brigadier Generals have been handed severe sentences, including life imprisonment and the death penalty, following a surprising surrender…

KIA’s Strategic Moves in Northern Shan State

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – January 21 by MoeMaKa Media: KIA’s Strategic Moves in Northern Shan State Amidst the complexities of the northern Shan State conflict, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has embarked on a strategic offensive, aiming to seize townships…

Amidst Losses and Hopes, Challenges Loom Large

Myanmar Spring Chronicle – January 20 by MoeMaKa Media: Amidst Losses and Hopes, Challenges Loom Large In the unfolding narrative of Myanmar’s struggle, the headlines of January 20 echo the profound impact of ongoing conflicts, shedding light on the loss…