Burmese in America – စီးပြားေရးပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈ ရုုတ္သိမ္းေရး အေမရိကန္ျမန္မာမ်ားတိုုက္တြန္းရန္ သံရုုံးကစည္းရုုံး လႈံ႔ေဆာ္

စီးပြားေရးပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈ ရုုတ္သိမ္းေရး အေမရိကန္ျမန္မာမ်ားတိုုက္တြန္းရန္ သံရုုံးကစည္းရုုံး လႈံ႔ေဆာ္

မိုုးမခအေထာက္ေတာ္ ၀၀၂၊ မတ္ ၇၊ ၂၀၁၂

အေမရိကန္ေရာက္ျမန္မာမ်ားႏွင့္ အဖြဲ႔အစည္းမ်ားက အေမရိကန္အစုုိးရ၏ ပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈမ်ားကိုု ရုုတ္သိမ္းေပးရန္ ေတာင္းဆိုုၾကဖိုု႔ အေမရိကန္ျပည္ရွိ ျမန္မာၾကံ့ဖြြံ႔အစိုုးရသံရုုံးက တိုုက္တြန္းေနေၾကာင္း သိရွိရသည္။

ေဖ့စ္ဘြတ္အင္တာနက္ေပၚမွ လက္ခံရရွိေသာ လက္ဆင့္ကမ္းစာမ်ားအရ နယူးေယာက္ရွိ ျမန္မာအစုုိးရ၏ ကုုလသမဂၢ အျမဲတမ္းကိုုယ္စားလွယ္ရုုံးက နယူးေယာက္ျမန္မာတရုုတ္အသင္းကိုု အထက္ပါအေရးအတြက္ ေမတၱာရပ္ခံခဲ့ေၾကာင္း၊ နယူးေယာက္ ျမန္မာတရုုတ္အသင္းက အေမရိကန္သမၼတၾကီးႏွင့္ လႊတ္ေတာ္အမတ္မ်ားထံ အေမရိကန္ျမန္မာတိုု႔၏ ဆႏၵအျဖစ္ စီးပြားေရးပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈ ရုုပ္သိမ္းေအာင္ စာေရးသား ေတာင္းဆိုုခဲ့ၾကေၾကာင္း၊ ဆက္လက္ျပီး အဆိုုပါ ပုုဂၢဳိလ္တိုု႔က စည္းရုုံးလႈံေဆာ္ေနေၾကာင္း ျမန္မာအစုုိးရ၏ ႏိုုင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ၾကီးထံ လိပ္မူျပီး တင္ျပထားသည္ကိုု ေတြ႔ရသည္။

ထိုုနည္းတူ အေမရိကန္အေနာက္ျခမ္း ေလာ့စ္အိန္ဂ်လိစ္ျမိဳ႔အေျခစိုုက္ ျမန္မာအသင္းအဖြဲ႔တခုု၏ ဦးေဆာင္သူတဦးကလည္း ၎၏ မႏၱေလးေဂဇက္ ပီဒီအက္ဖ္သတင္းစာကိုု ျဖန္႔ခ်ိေသာ အီးေမးသတင္းလႊာတြင္ ျမန္မာျပည္အေပၚ စီးပြားပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈ ဖယ္ရွားေရး ေတာင္းဆိုုၾကရန္ တိုုက္တြန္းထားသည္ကိုုလည္း ေတြ႔ရသည္။ ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီ ၁၇ ေန႔စြဲႏွင့္ ျဖန္႔ခ်ိေသာ အီးေမးသတင္းလႊာတြင္ ေရးသားထားရာမွာ ပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈဖယ္ရွားရန္ အေရးပါသူမွာ မစ္ခ်္မက္ေကာနဲ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း၊ သူ႔ဆီ စာေရးသားေတာင္းဆိုုၾကရန္လိုုေၾကာင္း ေရးသားထားသည္။

            သည္ေနရာမ်ားမွာ နယူးေယာက္ျမန္မာသံရုုံး၏ လ်ဳိ႔၀ွက္စာႏွင့္ နယူးေယာက္ျမန္မာတရုုတ္အသင္း၏ ေပးစာကိုု ၾကည့္ႏိုုင္ျပီ။

ေနျပည္ေတာ္သုိ႔ အစီရင္ခံစာ – ၁
ေနျပည္ေတာ္သုိ႔ အစီရင္ခံစာ –
နယူးေယာက္ တရုတ္ျမန္မာအသင္းရဲ႕စာ

 (ဓာတ္ပုုံ – ၂၀၀၇ ေရႊ၀ါေရာင္ကာလက ၀ိုုင္း၀န္းကန္႔ကြက္ဆႏၵျပရႈတ္ခ်ခံခဲ့ရေသာ ျမန္မာသံရုုံးျမင္ကြင္း)

11 thoughts on “Burmese in America – စီးပြားေရးပိတ္ဆိုု႔မႈ ရုုတ္သိမ္းေရး အေမရိကန္ျမန္မာမ်ားတိုုက္တြန္းရန္ သံရုုံးကစည္းရုုံး လႈံ႔ေဆာ္

  1. စိတ္ကူးယဥ္စမ္းပါေစလြတ္ထားလိုက္

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ျမန္မာတယုတ္အသင္းဆိုတာကို လံုးဝ လံုးဝ ကန္႔ကြက္ဆန္႔က်င္ပါတယ္ ျမန္မာလူမ်ဳိးမ်ားသီးသန္႔
    စုစည္းျပီး သီးျခားဖြဲ႔စည္းဖို႔သာတိုက္တြန္းပါတယ္
    ဒါတယုတ္ေတြ လူပါးဝတာျဖစ္တယ္
    အားလံုးဝိုင္းဝန္း ကန္႔ကြက္ဆန္႔က်င္ၾကပါ

    March 6, 2012 9:32 PM
    Blogger Tomahawk said…

    I strongly agree with above comment.
    I want to make it very clear first,think carefully after reading this comment.
    I want to talk about “PATRIOTISM” not “Racism or being racist”.
    In Burma, chinese are dominating in all businesses,their aim is to make money( a lot), they do not care about people or country’s sake.
    I have a lot of chinese friends, they are born and raise in Burma but i don’t see their commitment or love of patriotism because they are not native people,they just foreigners.
    In Burma, we have chinese,indians & hindi people because Burma is neighbour to those countries, they have been migrated to Burma many years ago. But Indiain people do not look like cocky and monopolize but chinese do a lot everywhere in Burma.
    Look at City of Mandalay alone,now majority of chinese people live in very best area which area are very expensive to buy.Those Burmese people moved to suburban area so called “Myothit”.
    Those chinese people give a lot of bribes to immigration officials to get citizenship.
    I want to ask those chinese people who are born and raise in Burma, do you have any commitment and patriotic about Burma? you have to think and answer very carefully.
    Another thing is for Burmese people(all include races) must have patriotism,if we don’t go to buy or spend your momey to any chinese shop,store or restaurents they will not make any money and they will not wealthy for sure.
    Make sure spending power is you. your decision is important. Those chinese people,they do not forget to buy and spend between them each other.
    I am not saying to hate chinese, we must have “PATRIOTISM”, if we do not have that Burma will be colony of china in near future or we may have to communicate in chinese in big city like Mandalay and Yangon.
    So, please make sure Burma is owned by Bamar,Shan,Mon,Rakhine,Kayin,Kachin,Kayah,Chin and many other minorities not chinese…

  3. Hello Everyone,

    I would like to share with you a digital version of the Burmese Newspaper from Mandalay Gazette. Attached you will find the Feb 2012 issue of Mandalay Gazette Burmese Newspaper.

    Dr. Zaw Htun (Phillip Kaw)

    Feel free to forward this to any of your friends and family members.
    Also if you provide email addresses that would like to be added onto the mailing list I will surely add them so they can regularly recieve these emails.

    If you would like to be removed from this mailing list please reply to this email directly and you will be removed.

    For Your Information for the Benefit of Myanmar.

    Please see below for links to relevant US lawmakers’ websites for a letter-writing campaign to encourage them to lift sanctions on Myanmar.

    For Senator Mitch McConnell

    He is a key person to influence if we want to see sanctions lifted.

    For Senator John McCain

    For Senator John Kerry

    For Representative Joseph Crowley

  4. Reply for Dentist Zaw Tun,

    i am really really surprise that a guy like him
    trying to support thein sein regime and supporting to lift
    sanction for Burma.
    let me tell you about this guy a little bit,
    dentist zaw tun is the publisher of Mandalay Gazette
    community news paper in Los Angeles.
    His clinic is “East West Dental Center” which is in
    Garvey ave, MOnterey Park , CA.
    He is a rich chinese guy.
    he used to fund and organize community gathering in
    Los Angeles and southern california.
    They have a association called southern california
    Burmese chinese association.
    i am not attacking personally but i am very surprise and
    disappointed about these Burma born chinese are helping
    military regimes. That is totally unacceptable.
    in my opinion,chinese in Burma like regimes because they
    do not distrupt their business and chinese just want making
    money and do not want to involve in politics.
    Now,time is very critical in Burma because of the total influence
    of china and local chinese are very glad that china(mainland) have
    big influence power on military regime.
    That’s why they want to support to lift American sanctions.
    In reality, Burmese people are very very poor for long time,
    it is not because of American sanctions,it is absolute wrong doing of
    military dictatorship.People are suffering a lot.
    If American lift their sanction on Burma,
    it will be huge beneficial for those “cronies” and wealthy chinese people.
    It will not make big impact on ordinary or poor Burmese people for sure.
    than shwe and his followers or cronies have stolen billions of money but
    they cannot use all of those because of sanctions their money has been frozen out
    buy US and EU sanctions.
    Actually, that money are people of Burma not theirs.
    I will write to these senator not to lift sanction on Burma.
    I would like to tell those chinese,”if you do not want to help,it’s ok but DO NOT DISTURB.”
    if you support military regime,
    you will have big regret and your future will be very bad for you all.

    1. I am living in japan for 19yrs now,I am also pure chinese born in burma.I agree your letter for US must take care to lift their sanction on burma.The sanction on burma is only targeted sanction on the cruel regime.The sanction is not effected to ordinary burmese people.If the sanction will lift by US or others countries,only regime and its cronies will be happy for their own profit.I would like to say US government and friends countries have to wait and see very carefully on regime action on the burmese people.Now in burma,there are 400000 war refugees in kachin state,because of burmese army occupy the kachin state and killing the kachin people and so many problems about crimes against humanity even now,now 2nd meeting with KIO but the burmese troops are sending even now.The burmeses soldiers in kachin state is 100000 in numbers.In my view,the whole world is fooled by burmese regime,please world has to watch on burma regime carefully from now.

      1. Thank you very much.
        I know there are a lot of educated and honest people like you.
        Thanks for your understanding and reply.

  5. Even you said not racist, you all are racist to Chinese.
    Even Than Shwe is Burmese, how he has treated you all. You need to understand person’s charateristics.
    You all must know who is right or wrong, it is only depending that person’s attitude and mind, not in race.
    There are serveral Burmese people who have treated brutally our Burmese people for 50 years.
    Do not say racist this time. You look like Burmese Regime who insisted Burmese people to fight to Chinese in 1976.
    If someone is not right you must say that person directly, not including his family, friends and race.
    Please do not say and behave disgracely and carelessly.

    1. you feel bad because you are chinese. Like Ruler said there are good and bad chinese, if you are good one you can feel calm and target is not you,OK? There are a lot of bad chinese like tun myint naing and many others.
      In this case, NY chinese association and zaw htun are chinese who are betraying the sake of the country of Burma. We have to make the noise louder about our “Patriotism” towards those chinese.
      Let me tell you Burmese Military Regimes are not as good or smart as Americans,if they are good there will not be a lot of chinese living in Burma.
      It is fair to say that,chinese are not the native race of Burma. Your ancestors come from north, it is called “china”. I have no right to say like this to any Shan or Kayin or Kachin or any other our native people.
      It would be very good for local chinese to support DASSK and Democratization. Not regime and mainland china(PRC), you should stay away from them. We all Burmese people should worry about our own country and growing influence of greedy china.
      Be cool…

    2. ‘Chinese people’s ugliness grows out of our own ignorance of the fact that we are ugly’. If you want to call me ‘racist’ for this remark then let me tell you, it’s not mine. It’s Bo Yang’s – a professor from Taiwan who gave a lecture called ‘The Ugly Chinaman’ at Iowa University on 24 September 1984. I hope you may have also heard this expression that “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Why do you think that when the leaders from China met the generals in Burma that they asked the generals to protect the Chinese living in Burma? Since late 1990s there were warnings of anti-Chinese sentiment on the rise. Lately in Sudan Chinese workers were held hostage. Behaviour like those from the members of Chinese associations will not help for those who could be caught in the blood letting as in Indonesia and in Burma during the 1960s. Then it was Mao’s exportation of Communism to neighbouring countries in Asia and elsewhere. Now it’s China’s exploitation and plundering of natural resources that will trigger off the blood letting again. If they are not careful with their ‘go out’ policy of exploitation without restraint.

  6. chinese people think only money…no money no honey….military government killed and tortured many people,,included my brother and my nephew….zaw htun ..why you want to lift sanction?????

  7. I am the supporter of sanction to Junta, at the same time , I agree Lin’s comment.

    Ruler (standard measurement) to measure civilized society in an Internet era (globalization ) should be “good or bad ”or “right or wrong”, not should be any other. In every sectors and corners , there are bad and good things ; it can not be avoided. In my opinion , whoever is right/good , lead ; whoever bad/wrong , down , no other ruler.

    Those persons who are against sanction to Junta have their right to freely choose . They do not represent the silent majority. They wrote their history .Maybe they are afraid/loyal to communist China(dear friend of Junta ) and want to dance with Junta for Burma resources and so, let’s it be . Wondering to know is why they did not immigrant to lovely communist China for Greater China Century from Burma( more near, less travelling expense)!

    In my opinion , who say that sanction is wrong , put the intelligent persons (US authorities) who have arranged the sanctions for long term benefit of Burma , to be seen like junks. No need to say to lift or continue sanction to them ; they know more than us via their intelligent and other reliable sources .They have carefully planned to target to wolves , not to deers , but there may be minor collateral damage(or not) . While the balancing benefits and risks , benefits are much greater than risks ( Junta have to be forced to accept NLD , otherwise , maybe “don’t care” for another decades and put the head to nest again)(for Junta , there is no pain , no cry).

    One should be(must be) loyal to the country which offers the fair opportunities/well behaved civilized treatments to its nationals , not to ancestral origins . (another ruler for ethical issue ).

    May God bless right/good side..

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